PCSC is a global leader in access control distribution. PCSC's product distribution spans the globe, providing trained dealers to sell and support companies in nearly every country. In an ever-changing world of security, PCSC must meet industry demands by developing new technologies and products. Today, PCSC distributes Buddi Bandz products via the following security partner's. www.pcscsecurity.com Security Systems International Ltd. P.O. Box SS – 19088 Nassau, Bahamas Contact: Craig Cates Phone: 242.394.3153 Fax: 242.394.3154 Email: ccates@netbahamas.com www.rodval-bo.com Rocha-Bressan Engenharia SIG/SUL QD 03, Bloco C. No. 60, Salas 201-206 Brasilia, DF, Brasil 70610-430 Contact: Marcos Patrick Guimaraes, Director Tecnico Phone: 5561.344.3888 Fax: 5561.344.2012 Email: patrick@rbressan.com.br Tecpoint – Image Service Rua Breno Ferraz do Amaral – 448 Ipiranga – 04124-020 – Sao Paulo – SP, Brasil Contact: Roberto Ribeiro roberto@imageservice.com.br Tel. 11-2106-7700 / 3614-7317 www.imageservice.com.br PROTECTSYS Sistemas e Servicos Rua Roma, 991 Granja Vianna-Cottia, SP 06700-000, Brasil Contact: Gerson Blauth Phone/Fax: 5511.4612.0003 Email: gerson@protectsys.com.br SEING Ingeniería S.A. Sergio Isler N. Gerente General Website: www.seing.cl
Casa Matriz Avda. Apoquindo N° 6974 Las Condes Santiago Tel. +562-22295302
Sucursal Avda. Prat N° 482 Oficina N° 406 Antofagasta Tel. +569-93313113 Security Tech Control Ltda Certified International PCSC Integrator SET & CO LTDA Cra 71 N 51-88 Telefonos PBX: (57-1) 8051630 Cel: 310-2509632 Bogotá D.C. Colombia Contact: Richard Heredia proyectos@setcoltda.com General Security LTDA Certified International PCSC Integrator Jose Vicente Calderon C. Representante Legal Carrera 7 No. 121-20 of.207 Bogota D.C., Colombia TEL/FAX. (57-1)6571559-5234920 gerencia@generalsecurityltda.com www.generalsecurityltda.com Prodar Colombiana S.A.S. Certified International PCSC Integrator Atn: Eduardo Delangel Carrera 10 No. 97A-13 Bogota Trade Center Torre B, Of. 202 Tel. +57 1 746 6834 contacto@prodar.mx TSD Technology and Security S.A.S Certified International PCSC Integrator Cra 18 N 86A-14 Bogotá D.C. Colombia PBX: +57-1 6386386 Ana Beatriz Puerto Diaz – Representante Legal Email: Beatriz.puerto@tsd.com.co Cel: +57-3 312-5203430 Consultoría, Diseño e Ingeniería Ing: Omar Darwisch Cel: +57-3 312-5275837 Email: omar.darwisch@tsd.com.co www.tsd.com.co Integral Security Systems S.A. Contact: Fabián Malcmann Phone: +506-2290-4545 Fax: +506-2291-0202 Email: fmalcmann@integralsecurity.cr Apartado 704-1007, San José, COSTA RICA Dirección: Sabana, del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería 900 metros al oeste Nutech Engineering Calle Santiago No. 352, Zona Gazcue Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Contact: Michael Banks Phone: 809.221.7536 Fax: 809.221.9326 Email: m.banks@codetel.net.do Web site: www.nutechengineering.com Soluciones Quantum Dominicana Jose Amado Soler #9, 2do Piso Ensanche Serralles, Santo Domingo, Rep. Dominicana Tel. 809-563-7002 Fax: 809-2272090 Contact: Miguel Demora – mdemoya@quantumdominicana.com Sales and Technical: Carlos Felix – cfelix@quantumdominicana.com EXEC Sistemas S.A. Av. 6 de Diciembre No. 47-64 (7546) y Av. El Inca Quito, Ecuador Contact: Galo and Mauricio Egas Phone: 5932-246945 Fax: 5932-417461 Email: megas@pi.pro.ec Grupo Los Seis, S.A. de C.V. 84 Avenida Norte #420, Colonia Escalón San Salvador, El Salvador Contact: Ing. Carlos G. Mejía Gerente General Phone: +503- 2237- 9466 Fax: +503- 2263- 7571 Mobil: +503- 7810- 2616 ITF Group, S.A. de C.V. Centro Comercial Loma Linda, local 13-C Colonia San Benito San Salvador, El Salvador Contact: Ing. Carlos Baharona, Gerente de operaciones Phone: +503- 2118-1313 Mobil: +503- 7435- 7619 Direct: +503- 2118- 1318 Email: carlos.barahona@itfgroup.net Website: www.itfgroup.net Neotec PO Box 6-7649 Dorado, Panama Vía Transistmica y Calle 2a Vista hermosa, Edificio Corona de Oro Republica de Panama Contact: Victor Mon Tel: 507.261.4401 Fax: 507.261.0741 Email: agomez@neotec.com.pa Onen BrainHunters S.A Ing. Aurelio Gomez Ing. Gaspar A. García D. Ingeniero de Pre-venta e Implementación Torre de Las Américas Torre A, Piso 15, Oficina 1517, Panamá Tel: +507 294-4427 Cel.: +507 6671-1230 Fax: +507 294-4433 Email: gaspar@onenvideo.com www.onenvideo.com Alfasystems Seguridad Electrónica Mónica Salcedo González É 437-2314 / 437-6243 Av. Javier Prado Este N° 5259 – Oficina 202 La Molina – Lima, Perú Email: msalcedo@alfasystemssac.com.pe Identitronics Ing. Juan Carlos Merino-Reyna Tel.: 511-670-7600 Ext. 222 Calle Jose Bernardo Alcedo 285, Miraflores, Lima, Perú Email: jcmerinoreyna@identitronics.com.pe www.identitronics.com J & V Alarmas SA.C. Av. Guillermo Prescott 308 San Isidro, Lima, Peru Contact: Jaime Calvo Perez Phone: 511.441.8380 Fax: 511.422.2455 Email: jc-clave3@amauta.rcp.net.pe ATC Enterprises, Inc. PMB 313, Suite 67 35 Juan. C. de Borbón Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 00969-5375 Contact: Jaime J. Alonso Phone: 787.708.1780 Fax: 787.708.1788 Email: jalonsoatcinc@prtc.net Fernando Delgado Del´s service ISO 9001 2000 Direccion: Francisco Rodigo 2920 c.p. 11600 Montevideo URUGUAY Skype ID: ferviera tel +598 98299526 delgado@netgate.com.uy Electronica Quantum Av. Milan, Edif., AVO, Piso 2 La California Sur – 1070 Caracas, Venezuela Contact: Jose Ramon Casal and Angel Casal Phone: 58212-257-2527 Fax: 58212-257-8263 Email: jrcasal@quantum.com.ve Website: www.quantum.com.ve Regional Fire & Security (Barbados) LTD. Media House’ The Belle, St. Michael BARBADOS W.I. Tel: (246) 437-3500 Fax: (246) 437-3718 Email: derek@regionalfire.com / info@regionalfire.com Sales Manager: Derek Curry (246) 233-8964
Website: www.safetysupplytt.com Regional Fire and Security – Trinidad & Tobago #3 Sadhoo Trace El Socorro, San Juan Trinidad, West Indies Phone: 868-679-3473 Fax: 868-636-3473 Contact: Richard Grainger richard@safetysupplytt.com Technical Support: Mark Grainger Mgrainger@safetysupplytt.com Website: www.safetysupplytt.com |